Thursday, October 25, 2007


You tube is an excelent resource for technology education. It is a website were you can watch film clips on basically any topic that you would like. I would find it extremely useful in demonstrating a topic in a visual way for all students to be able to see and understand.

This website provides free educational materials for schools and colleges. The site is continually growing and will eventually offer teachers and pupils, materials for all of the Key Stages. The site contains a great amount of technology resources for teachers and students alike.

A very useful website for technology education in ragards to a vast array of topics. As well as a list of categories you can choose along the left hand side of the page you can even type in your own questions and get answers. The site gives comprehensive answers and explinations on how things work and the reasons behind this.

wikepedia is an online encyclopedia service that alows you to research almost any topic or any person just by typing them into the search engine. It is a very usueful tool for teachers and students alike to gain information. Although Wikepedia is a useful site some of the information on it has been proven wrong in the past.

This is the official site for the queensland studdies authority. It is a great resource for teachers as it provides all the information a teacher will need to know in relation to all KLAs. On this site you will find the syllabus as well as source book modules to help with your teaching. Students can also access this site to find what is expected of them in regards to their learning.

This is a website that is purely dedicated to primary school teachers. The site provides teaching ideas and lessons to be used by primary school teachers, not just in technology but all KLA. Although it is a site from the United Kingdom I found that it is still quite relevent to Australian teachers.

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